Hi, my name is
Quentin McKay
What is a Quentin?
Hi there, I'm Quentin!
Professional hobbyist and lifelong tech enthusiast. I build things like web applications, physical computing projects, and real-time audio/visual experiments.
I've splashed around in various languages throughout the years including C++, C#, Objective-C, Ruby, Python, Java, Lisp (Scheme), HTML/CSS, and JavaScript.
Web technologies I've played with include Vue, Express, MongoDB, MySQL, and p5.js.
Lately I've been spending time with real-time patching environments like TouchDesigner and cables.gl.
Check out my resume (mock for now)
Featured Projects
Python Course Design and Delivery
Working for Coder Academy, I created and delivered a 10-week exploration of Python at Kambala Girls High School covering terminal programs, physical computing with Micro:bit and MicroPython, and generative art using Processing.py.